Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Who Are You?

Who are you, Man I see; tall…dark…handsome, though not what I pictured you to be?
You’re standing here looking and staring, I’m wondering why you’re watching and sharing…
Gazing moments into my eyes, but not where I see it’s into where my soul cries.
My heart…inside…my deepest places, searching and observing my many faces.
Who are you, Man I see; why are you even looking at me?
Are you here on assignment? Are you going to stay? Are you just passing through, go ahead, on your way!
Why are you searching my treasure’s chest? What are you looking for…please put my soul at rest.
Standing here at this door…I answered…I opened, have you found what you’re looking for?
Who are you, Man I see, are you the one God sent to be?

Jade N. Ciccone

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