Thursday, March 8, 2012

Many Are the Afflictions of the Righteous!!!

Many are the afflictions of the righteous, and how much more are my afflictions because I stand for righteousness?  A life set apart is a narrow road, and not an easy one to walk in a world full of sin. Should I partake, my life on earth would be "easy" but earth is where it would end...because the wages of sin is death! But should I partake of the fruit of righteousness, though my afflictions be many; it is worth a life of eternity and my treasure stored in heaven.  My sin is not worth dieing for...but Christ is worth dieing to my flesh.  For what does it profit a man to loose his soul and gain the world?  I'd rather embrace and live a daily life set apart and not partake of the fruit of this world.  Rather will I love, bless, encourage, exhort; even if it breaks my heart!  For justice and righteousness; the purpose of the cross, only because He did it for me...and this is why I am alive--why I'm free!!  So others can partake of the same love that I am partaking not boastful, one unfailing, one who loves me no matter my shortcomings or how hard I fall.  A love that rescues me from the pits, even those that I dig myself.  It is for this Love that I will shed the tears I've shed, and for this love will I perish and know the fellowship of the cross for eternity's sake.  My life is not my own, for I am my Beloved's and He is mine!

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