Sunday, March 4, 2012

Prayer for Healing

I have been reading through scriptures and praying through them and asking the Lord for is what He gave me, and I have been reading it every evening since He has given it to me! The thing is, it's not only for me but it's also for you as well...

Hear me when I call O God of my righteousness!  You have relieved me in my distress; have mercy on me and hear my prayer!  I know that you have set apart for yourself him who is Godly, and I know that YOU WILL HEAR my prayer when I call unto you according to Psalm 4.  I WILL meditate within my heart on my bed and be still.  I offer my heart, my life, my mind, my body, my soul, and spirit as living sacrifices of righteousness to You.  I WILL put my trust in You from this day forward.  I repent and apologize for not trusting in You and relying on what is earthly.  Forgive me Lord as I surrender now to You the areas of my heart, life, mind, body, soul, and spirit where I have not trusted in You.  I repent Father, in the name of Jesus for lack of faith in You, and for aligning myself and coming into agreement with unbelief.  I BREAK the chains of this alignment and its affects, and I come into agreement with Son-ship. I decree and declare that I am your Daughter/Son of Zion.  I RECEIVE the Spirit of Adoption TODAY, by whom I cry out, "Abba Father." I decree and declare that I AM A CHILD OF GOD, an heir of God, and a joint heir of Christ and I RECEIVE in fullness the GLORY of God that it may dwell in me.  So Lord, please lift the light of Your countenance upon me. Put gladness in my heart, for then I WILL lie down in peace and sleep, because it is YOU ALONE O Lord who makes me dwell in safety! Give ear to my words O Lord and consider my prayer, and heed to the voice of my cry! Have mercy on me Lord, for I am weak. Heal me Lord for I am sick from sin. My soul is troubled, return O Lord and deliver me! O save me for your mercies sake according to Psalm 6.  DEPART FROM ME ALL YOU WORKERS OF INIQUITY, for the Lord has heard the voice of my weeping. He hears my supplications, He WILL receive my prayer.  He WILL forgive all my iniquities and HEAL ALL my diseases. He REDEEMS my life from destruction and CROWNS ME with loving kindness and tender mercies.  In the name Of Jesus I pray...Amen!

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