Thursday, March 8, 2012

Most Recent Collection...

Painted by Jade N. Ciccone
at Resting Place HOP
on the 5th day of March 2012!
Painted by Jade N. Ciccone
at Resting Place HOP
on the 20th day of February 2012

Painted by Jade N. Ciccone
at Resting Place HOP
on the 27th day of February 2012

Many Are the Afflictions of the Righteous!!!

Many are the afflictions of the righteous, and how much more are my afflictions because I stand for righteousness?  A life set apart is a narrow road, and not an easy one to walk in a world full of sin. Should I partake, my life on earth would be "easy" but earth is where it would end...because the wages of sin is death! But should I partake of the fruit of righteousness, though my afflictions be many; it is worth a life of eternity and my treasure stored in heaven.  My sin is not worth dieing for...but Christ is worth dieing to my flesh.  For what does it profit a man to loose his soul and gain the world?  I'd rather embrace and live a daily life set apart and not partake of the fruit of this world.  Rather will I love, bless, encourage, exhort; even if it breaks my heart!  For justice and righteousness; the purpose of the cross, only because He did it for me...and this is why I am alive--why I'm free!!  So others can partake of the same love that I am partaking not boastful, one unfailing, one who loves me no matter my shortcomings or how hard I fall.  A love that rescues me from the pits, even those that I dig myself.  It is for this Love that I will shed the tears I've shed, and for this love will I perish and know the fellowship of the cross for eternity's sake.  My life is not my own, for I am my Beloved's and He is mine!

Break Open the Waters of Your Love

I cry and I weep O' God! I pour out the pain of my soul before you O' Lord!  You are the only one worthy of my weeping.  No man can give the love to the void that was created for only You to fill.  The empty place; a well dried up--to be filled with living water.  A well that is to overflow with a river of your love O' Lord.  For it is a brook dried up and bound.  Break open the dam holding back the waters of Your love that overflow with joy. Break it open God! Break it open!!!!!!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Prayer for Healing

I have been reading through scriptures and praying through them and asking the Lord for is what He gave me, and I have been reading it every evening since He has given it to me! The thing is, it's not only for me but it's also for you as well...

Hear me when I call O God of my righteousness!  You have relieved me in my distress; have mercy on me and hear my prayer!  I know that you have set apart for yourself him who is Godly, and I know that YOU WILL HEAR my prayer when I call unto you according to Psalm 4.  I WILL meditate within my heart on my bed and be still.  I offer my heart, my life, my mind, my body, my soul, and spirit as living sacrifices of righteousness to You.  I WILL put my trust in You from this day forward.  I repent and apologize for not trusting in You and relying on what is earthly.  Forgive me Lord as I surrender now to You the areas of my heart, life, mind, body, soul, and spirit where I have not trusted in You.  I repent Father, in the name of Jesus for lack of faith in You, and for aligning myself and coming into agreement with unbelief.  I BREAK the chains of this alignment and its affects, and I come into agreement with Son-ship. I decree and declare that I am your Daughter/Son of Zion.  I RECEIVE the Spirit of Adoption TODAY, by whom I cry out, "Abba Father." I decree and declare that I AM A CHILD OF GOD, an heir of God, and a joint heir of Christ and I RECEIVE in fullness the GLORY of God that it may dwell in me.  So Lord, please lift the light of Your countenance upon me. Put gladness in my heart, for then I WILL lie down in peace and sleep, because it is YOU ALONE O Lord who makes me dwell in safety! Give ear to my words O Lord and consider my prayer, and heed to the voice of my cry! Have mercy on me Lord, for I am weak. Heal me Lord for I am sick from sin. My soul is troubled, return O Lord and deliver me! O save me for your mercies sake according to Psalm 6.  DEPART FROM ME ALL YOU WORKERS OF INIQUITY, for the Lord has heard the voice of my weeping. He hears my supplications, He WILL receive my prayer.  He WILL forgive all my iniquities and HEAL ALL my diseases. He REDEEMS my life from destruction and CROWNS ME with loving kindness and tender mercies.  In the name Of Jesus I pray...Amen!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

This is my prayer...say it with me and become a NEW YOU!

(This I inquired on the 18th day of October 2009...and He is still responding!)

Lord, do not deny me! In you I rejoice! Forgive me Lord for my selfish ways and impure motives. I trust in you oh God.  I want to be FREE! Free from those things that keep me from experiencing the fullness that I could have in You.  I want to know, my Lord, The goodness of fresh fruit, and be BOUND FOR GLORY.  I no longer desire to be bound by fear. I want a victory in you. Give me a new sound. I thank you Father, for the life you give. And I thank you for the BLESSINGS I have in you. I thank You and praise You for who You ARE and for the promises you have given to the GENERATIONS. Lord, Refresh me. I ask you Father, for a FRESH NEW dose of YOU! Fill my cup again Lord, I'm thirsty. RECHARGE me in this new day. I thank you for saving me Lord and giving me new Life! I want the fullness of Bliss (joy) in You! I want to dance with you Father, and be completely free. I want NO HEADACHES, I just want You! Amen!

"There is blessing in pressing!"
-Love, God!

(The Post "Enter into Your Healing Daughter..." was the response to this particular prayer which he gave me not too long later...)

Enter Into Your Healing, Daughter...

Back in November of 2009 I was in my quiet time with the Lord reading and meditating on Psalm 23, truly one of my favorites! I was particularly going over and over verse 3; "He restores my soul..." Definitely in a "selah" moment!!! Haha! All of a sudden, He started speaking a very profound word to my heart, which at the time I didn't know would be LIFE CHANGING! Since then, the fruit of what has come  to pass just from this word He spoke a little over 2 years later is absolutely amazing! I can't even fathom thinking of a place to start of His goodness and what He has done.  I can say though that this Blog site you are reading now has been birthed from this amazing journey! And...I know these words aren't only for me but for someone else who is also crying out the same way I did a few years ago...and I still am...FOR EVEN MORE!

Here is what He said:

"You are in a season of healing my daughter. Let me take you in my arms and carry you. There are pieces of you everywhere.  Let me pick up the broken pieces. I want to put you back together. I want to make you whole again. I want you to be who I created you to be. I have a purpose and a plan for you, not to harm you, to give you hope and a future. You received hope when you allowed my son into your heart. You have knocked at heaven's door and here I am with my arms open welcoming you. Come into the house of the Lord and eat with me in this season, for I will give you rivers of living water.  You are as the woman at the well and as I have given her life so am I giving you. I am going to reveal myself to you in this day. You desire to know me and I will show you who I am. I Am that I Am. I am the One who knitted you in your mother's womb. I want to show you a Father's love. Eat and drink with me today. For it is I who gives you eternal life. Drink of my cup and you will thirst no more.  You will no longer be barren. You will no longer be in the dark, for I have given you Light. My Son is the Light my daughter.  I am showing you who I am. Read my word because I am going to reveal things to you in my word. Soak in my presence and rest in Me. For I am the Lord, I desire to strengthen you. Rise up my child, wipe your eyes and let me take you through this season of healing and cleansing. Don't look to the left nor to the right but keep your eyes on me and I will show you the way.  Let My Word be a lamp unto your feet. I have made provisions for you and I will show you the way. Trust in me For I am God. I AM GOD!"

I pray this word awakens your soul in the very same way it has awakened mine.....LIFE CHANGING!!!