Thursday, January 19, 2012

Enter Into Your Healing, Daughter...

Back in November of 2009 I was in my quiet time with the Lord reading and meditating on Psalm 23, truly one of my favorites! I was particularly going over and over verse 3; "He restores my soul..." Definitely in a "selah" moment!!! Haha! All of a sudden, He started speaking a very profound word to my heart, which at the time I didn't know would be LIFE CHANGING! Since then, the fruit of what has come  to pass just from this word He spoke a little over 2 years later is absolutely amazing! I can't even fathom thinking of a place to start of His goodness and what He has done.  I can say though that this Blog site you are reading now has been birthed from this amazing journey! And...I know these words aren't only for me but for someone else who is also crying out the same way I did a few years ago...and I still am...FOR EVEN MORE!

Here is what He said:

"You are in a season of healing my daughter. Let me take you in my arms and carry you. There are pieces of you everywhere.  Let me pick up the broken pieces. I want to put you back together. I want to make you whole again. I want you to be who I created you to be. I have a purpose and a plan for you, not to harm you, to give you hope and a future. You received hope when you allowed my son into your heart. You have knocked at heaven's door and here I am with my arms open welcoming you. Come into the house of the Lord and eat with me in this season, for I will give you rivers of living water.  You are as the woman at the well and as I have given her life so am I giving you. I am going to reveal myself to you in this day. You desire to know me and I will show you who I am. I Am that I Am. I am the One who knitted you in your mother's womb. I want to show you a Father's love. Eat and drink with me today. For it is I who gives you eternal life. Drink of my cup and you will thirst no more.  You will no longer be barren. You will no longer be in the dark, for I have given you Light. My Son is the Light my daughter.  I am showing you who I am. Read my word because I am going to reveal things to you in my word. Soak in my presence and rest in Me. For I am the Lord, I desire to strengthen you. Rise up my child, wipe your eyes and let me take you through this season of healing and cleansing. Don't look to the left nor to the right but keep your eyes on me and I will show you the way.  Let My Word be a lamp unto your feet. I have made provisions for you and I will show you the way. Trust in me For I am God. I AM GOD!"

I pray this word awakens your soul in the very same way it has awakened mine.....LIFE CHANGING!!!

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