Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Eye of the Storm

"Eye of the Storm"
Painted by Jade N. Ciccone on the 27th day of October 2011

Eye of the Storm
Poem written on the 8th day of February 2011
(*This poem later became a written and recorded song on my up and coming CD, album release TBA!)

Clouds are forming in the sky, and storms are coming to wash what's dry.
Holy Spirit rain on me, wash me clean and set me free!
In the center of this storm right in the middle of the clouds that form.
He is holding me in the calm as I feel myself in His palm.
I feel the whirlwind spinning round.
Right in His heart is where I have found,
peace that surpasses all understanding
and joy that keeps me strong and landing
into His hands that are holding me.
In him I BELIEVE; He's set me FREE!
And even though the storm is strong, I'm rooted in him where I belong;
 planted like a tree at the rushing river side.
His blood He shed for me, that's why He died!
If I keep looking to Him in this storm
even WHEN these clouds WILL form...

A whirlwind is defined in the dictionary as a small rotating windstorm of limited extent and a violent destructive force. Some scripture references of whirlwinds are in 2Kings 2:1, Hosea 8:7, Isaiah 25!  Elijah the prophet was taken up to heaven in a whirlwind or a windstorm.  I truely believe the Lord was showing us vividly that in the midst of our greatest and darkest trials we can still be right near God the Father in the Heavenly realms in his throne room close and dear to His heart.  Thank you to Him who sent a Blameless Lamb to become a sin offering for us; to tear down the veil that separated us from access to the throne room.  Thank you Jesus for laying down your life that I could become a daughter of THEE Father in heaven!  If not for Him I would not have the peace and joy that I have which gives me the strength to live and "keep on truckin" every day of my life. And funny enough, its always in my darkest moments I feel closest to The Lord of Hosts  who is always protecting me. I have begun to appreciate the darkness for had I not known darkness how would I know Light! And when the Light shines on my darkness, the darkness decreases and doesn't seem so great but a perfect mistake where God works ALL THINGS together for our good! I begin to LIVE the TRUTH of THE WORD OF GOD and I understand!

Psalm 107:29 He calms the storm so that its waves are still
Job 26:12 He stirs up the sea with His power, And by His understanding he breaks up the storm


  1. Because He has given me hope, I have a hope that this post encourages you to know that He is so very near when all hell breaks loose. And, that you too can dance in His palm in the midst of your whirlwinds and raging seas!

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