Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Just venting...

Tired of walking into this place
open the door to see another face...of a liar?
Walking into a pit of fire.
Fighting these demons I face everyday,
while trying to keep myself from falling astray.
They ask for the truth and honest people.
But really, you're just another "X" on a steeple.
Walking in the darkness, they really don't want to hear.
What is righteous, they actually fear!
Placing trust in lies and the father of the liar.
Denying the Truth and not trusting what is Higher.
I'm becoming what is low... for better standard!
NO...not being status quo!
Running with the rest of the land?
I'm gonna fight these demons I face every day...

Written by Jade N.Ciccone on the 25th day of March 2011

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