Sunday, January 15, 2012


The Lord has been teaching me so much about His REFINING FIRE! He has been just downloading scriptures and revelation and messages and all kinds of stuff including my own personal experiences in the Refiner's fire! And my heart has been burning with passion and desire to give out what God has been giving me as I go through this process because as hot as the fire can get every bit of it has been so very very worth it. And I want every generation that has not yet been ignited, to get ignited and go through it because the results are just awesome! What a blessing to be a bearer of the Love and Glory of God the Father! Lets all get IGNITED for God's glory!!!!

"Fire Angel"
Painted By Jade N. Ciccone
(Painted at Resting Place House of Prayer and Revival Center West Patterson, NJ)

I just see the Angels of the Lord bringing heavenly fire to flame our hearts to burn with love and passion and desire for the Lord! Refining our hearts in His refining fire so we can truly be sanctified and like Him! 

Let the Fire on the alter never burn out! It is WE His people who are the living sacrifice on the alter, the beautiful sacrifice of a life set apart for the glory of God to be made manifest in the earth!

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