Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Most Beautiful Love Song Ever!!!!

The Drummer Boy by Jade N. Ciccone
What would I do if it wasn’t for the drummer boy?
How would I know the sound of the drum had he not played his rhythm?
The rhythm of the sound bringing my ears to attention; tuning me into the drum that beats for eternity.
You see, it is him that released the sound of awakening to my sleeping soul, because he plays the sound of a love song.
A love song that permeates my very being, a song I had never before known.
His song so powerful has a rhythm that sets my feet so freely dancing.
Because it is he who plays a sound of thunder that goes bursting into my callous heart created by malice.
And the beat of his drum has become the beat of my heart, which is the reason for my very existence.
Had the drummer boy not beat his drum what life would I have?
 For his sound has filled my very own soul, resounding the love of a song that is continually making me whole.
So what would I do if it wasn’t for the drummer boy?
You see, the sound of the drum is the heartbeat of God and his drum is God’s heart, and because of the drummer boy’s love song,
God and I are no longer apart!
Written on the 16th day of December 2011

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